Seal SC Product Word Mark Webb's Product Inc.
Webb's Chicken Sausage

Chicken Sausage - Webb's Line of Product

Our line of chicken sausage product includes links and patties fo different sizes, from 1 to 4 oz. 
All prduct is packaged in family typical size of one pound. 

We sell through many stores and outlets across the Upstate of South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia..

For detailed description click on the pictures below:

Chicken Sausage Breakfast Link, 1oz
Breakfast Links
Chicken Sausage Link, 3.2oz
Gourmet Chicken Links Bun Length
Gourmet Chicken Sausage Link, 3.2oz
Gourmet Sausage Links
italian Style Chicken Sausage 4 oz
Italian Style Chicken Sausage
Chicken Sausage Patty, 4oz for Burger
Chicken Burger Patty
Chicken Sausage Breakfast Patty, 2 oz
Chicken Breakfast Patty

Packaging and Delivery:

Chicken Sausage PackagingAll our product is individually frozen before packaging. The product is connveniently packaged in one pound  packs, shrink wrapped on styrophome trays.

Where to buy:

Our chicken sausage is currently available at many outlets across the Upstate of South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia..

Please check our list of stores and sales locations carrying the Webb's Chicken Sausage brand.

Contact Webb's Product now!Contact Webb's Chicken Sausage for additional product info or find out how to buy!


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